Summer is coming to an end which means the first day of school is just around the corner. Our oldest, Mia, will be attending an elementary school walking distance from our home. And although I’m excited to walk her to school every single morning, I’m not excited about her starting big girl school. Did I mention she will be a kindergartener in just a couple of weeks?!! How did this happen? Quick, someone hand me a box of tissues. My baby is not so much a baby anymore. And I’m not sure how I will handle the five days a week of morning chaos getting the 7-month-old and four-year-old out the door by 7:20am.
But more importantly, I’m ultra concerned about Mia’s food allergies and not being able to control what she ingests at school. I’m going to be that crazy mamá counting down the minutes with my cell phone in hand. I’m sure in time she will learn to read food labels on her own and make all the right food choices, right? Definitely looking forward to that day.
Today, we’re making a promise to give back to Mia’s elementary school. Starting with the Box Tops for Education program.
Have any of you heard of this neat program? Simply look for the Box Tops labels when you shop General Mills products. Your school will receive $.10 for every box top you clip and send back. In addition to the $0.10 per Box Tops, General Mills products are now eligible for a 5-for-1 redemption exclusively at Wal-Mart! That’s $0.50 per box that goes towards your kids school.
Can’t wait to shop, clip, and earn money so that Mia’s school will be well-funded throughout the school year!
Find out which General Mills products have the 5-for-1 redemption here. And be sure to print out our first day of school chalkboard signs below. Perfect for mamás and dads to use as a first day of school prop. 😉
Free PrintableAbrazos — Gladys
That’s the best!! We always brought in our box tops when I was young!! Love the printable too! Thanks for sharing!
Xo Dani
I need to make sure I do it this year!
Can you believe summer is over already and school is in session already? Where did the time go? We used our printable on Monday. Such a bitter-sweet day for our kindergartner. 🙂