The Mother Overload
Life Style

I’m a Mamá (AKA Professional Worrier)

Pregnancy-Photo We had the privilege of working with the amazingly talented Melissa Brandman during our engagement, wedding and pregnancy. She captured some amazing lifestyle photos of the most important moments in our lives and the story of how we formed our little family. I will forever treasure these images and hold them dearly in my heart! More so the pregnancy photo shoot as a) we were going to be parents for the first time and b) we were able to incorporate some of our culture into the photographs.

Speaking of being pregnant. Did any of you experience morning sickness, sudden urges to take long naps and constantly worried about what you should be eating or shouldn’t be eating and should be doing or shouldn’t be doing? I did. It was my first pregnancy so naturally I worried about E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!

For example: Yikes! I’m 12 weeks pregnant and have gestational diabetes? I just ate that extra piece of whole wheat bread! What if my sugar spikes and the baby gets harmed by it?! I didn’t drink 20 gazillion gallons of water today like my Dr recommend. Is the baby going to be dehydrated now?! Oh no! I heard from a mom at the grocery store that painting my toe nails is harming the baby! Ahhh!

Who knew that the minute I found out I was going to be a mother to another human being I would instantly become a professional worrier? Ugh, please tell me I wasn’t the only crazy pregnant chick that constantly worried and in fact, still does? I seriously can’t even begin to process pre-school right now and having to drop off my first born child at school. Insert sad face with a tear drop. Now I know why my parents still worry about me.

Our pregnancy photo shoot images will be a constant reminder of how I obtained this new mamá skill I seemed to have mastered so perfectly and am so proud of. Pregnancy-Photo








Pregnancy-Photo Cheers to being a professional worrier! 😉

P.S. Check out Melissa Brandman’s Photography here. She is amazingly talented!


  • Melissa March 31, 2014 Reply

    Awww, thanks for the kind words! So happy to document so many amazing moments in your life – xoxo!

  • Tahnee April 4, 2014 Reply

    LOVE the pictures!! And oh my gosh. Yes!! I worried every day. Even with how I slept…if I worked out…and then towards the end when you’re supposed to monitor and count the kicks…that stressed me out so much!! Lol It’s easier the second time around, though 😉

    • themotheroverload April 4, 2014 Reply

      Oh Yes – the count kicks! Everything seems so stressful as first time moms. 😉 Thanks so much for commenting and reading! Hugs, Gladys

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