The Mother Overload

Potty Training On The Road #PottyTraining

Huggies-PullUpsWhat time is it?! It’s Potty Time!

Raise your hands if your kid is potty training or is giving you signs that they are ready? Although it’s a great feeling to know your kids are on the verge of being less dependent, it’s also the start to tons of accidents (yes! tons of dirty underwear stories to share with them when they get older amongst other embarrassing ones). Just when you thought poopie diapers were gross…Eek! And just when you’re little one is starting to get the potty training down, you take them to a public restroom only to regress and become terrified of those awesome automatic flushing toilets found in pretty much every public restroom.

It can be a bit frustrating but thankfully, we are not alone. All parents have been there at some point and all kids are unique.

Although our little one is almost at the finish line when it comes to potty training, we’re still working on going potty during the night and how we handle going to the restroom while traveling. The traveling one has been the toughest one for us.

Here’s a few tips that seem to have worked so far. Hope you find some – if not all useful for your little one.

As first time parents, traveling with a little one that is potty training never even crossed our  minds. Ugh! Definitely tough. Hearing the words “Mommy, I have to go!” “Se me va ha salir! (Spanish for “it’s coming out!”) while being stuck in traffic on a highway are not really the words I’d prefer to hear.

Potty Training On The Road Tips:

  1. Have them go to the restroom before you leave the house.
  2. Put on Pull-Ups® training pants before they leave the house. A few months ago, we’d put these on before we left our house in case of an emergency. During the potty training journey, it’s easier when you have a toilet readily available but what happens when you don’t and they need to go right then and there? Training pants to the rescue!
  3. Use Pull-Ups® training pants in place of a portable potty. Since we’re now at the end of our potty training (so close to the finish line I can already see it!), we just pull over on the road, put on the Pull-Ups® training pants and she goes potty in them. Once she’s done, we remove the training pants, wipe her down, put on her big girl undies and we’re on our way again. We could take a portable potty BUT I would rather not deal with portable potty accidents in the car and the aftermath of having to clean them. Her training pants go in a ziplock bag and it’s done in less than 5 minutes! Mind you, this is only done when there are no nearby public restrooms.
We love all things Disney including these Doc McStuffins Pull-Ups® training pants design!

We love all things Disney including these Doc McStuffins Pull-Ups® training pants!

As for night time, we try not to give her liquids an hour before she goes to bed and put on her Pull-Ups®. There are times when she tells us she has to go potty before she falls asleep. Having her wake up with a dry diaper is such a great feeling! The feeling that she’s that much closer to having zero accidents at night… Insert high five!

Pull-Ups® has really worked for us during our potty training journey. Their training pants have fun designs, and stretchy sides that let kids put them on and take them off — just like Big Kid® underwear.

Also, did you know Pull-Ups® has a site (Big Kid Academy) that offers a world-class library of potty training tips and advice from parenting experts, medical professionals and their brightest alumni: parents who have been there? Subjects include:

• How to talk to day care providers about potty training
• Solutions for nighttime
• Potty training on the go
• The best clothing for potty training

Every Kid is Unique. That’s why when you enroll at the Big Kid Academy, you’ll get a personalized “My Pull-Ups®” page with potty training activities and advice customized to your point in the potty training journey. That’s definitely a win-win in my book! Go check out their site and enroll for free HERE! enroll

Thanks to Pull-Ups® for sponsoring today’s discussion. #PottyTraining #PullUps


  • Cynthia Adame September 5, 2014 Reply

    What a great post? I defenitely agree on potty training is different for every child. I have a 2 year old son, Christian and he is already potty trained only because we paid for the training at his daycare. I can only imagine how two full time working parents will have the time to train and not fill frustrated.

    We have the oh so awesome #Pull-Ups on him when Christian goes to bed and 80% of the time its dry in the morning. It is a great feeling, I agree. One other feeling of sucess I would like to mention that is almost to the finish line of 100% dry free, is when you can hear your little one in the middle of the night walk themselves to the bathroom and you hear the flush.

    Thank you Glady’s for posting information on this, I didn’t know about their (Big Kid Academy). I am on there now. All I can say it is worth the look. The site has great information.

  • Ene September 6, 2014 Reply

    It also gets easier when you have two kids around the same age and you’re potty training. Zoe is learning from Julian or vice verse sometimes. The goal is to have them diaper free by December.

    • themotheroverload September 9, 2014 Reply

      That’s great that Zoe and Julian have each other to learn from! So cute. 😉 XO

  • Billie September 7, 2014 Reply

    Ahh the potty training, this can definitely be a frustrating thing especially with twins. I have tried a lot of tips and tricks and it does take a LOT of patience. I have finally got them trained for now (I haven’t seen or smell any messes around the house). I’d love to share what I did email me at billie.g.hines[at]gmail

    • themotheroverload September 9, 2014 Reply

      Absolutely agree Billie. Patience is key! We’re at the end of our potty training. So exciting to wake up to zero messes. 😉

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