The Mother Overload

TheMotherOverload-DIY-Holiday-Loteria-Navidad-BoardGameWe can’t believe Christmas is just in a few days!

And guess what?

We were inspired by Got Milk? Santa’s Journal to keep the magic of the holidays alive by creating our very own Holiday Loteria board game. We also paired it with our traditional chocolate caliente (Mexican Hot Cocoa).

Family Holiday Traditions

Growing up, I vividly remember looking forward to all of our family holiday traditions. Which is why it’s so important for me that I continue to add more traditions and keep our cultural traditions alive. So in that traditional holiday spirit, I created this simple Holiday Lotería board game.


DIY Holiday Lotería

It’s the original game but added some festive fun images. Free Printable here. Be sure to print out an extra one and cut out to make the cards. TheMotherOverload-DIY-Holiday-Loteria-Navidad-BoardGame1 TheMotherOverload-DIY-Holiday-Loteria-Navidad-BoardGame2 TheMotherOverload-DIY-Holiday-Loteria-Navidad3

The Origin of Lotería

And in case you’re wondering , “The origin of lotería can be traced far back in history. The game originated in Italy in the 15th century and was brought to New Spain (modern Mexico) in 1769. In the beginning, lotería was a hobby of the upper classes,[1] but eventually it became a tradition at Mexican fairs.” – Wikipedia

How to play Lotería

Similar to Bingo, a card is dealt from the deck, and any player that has the image of that card on their board puts a bean on it. The pattern to win (a column or a row) is determined at the beginning of each round. Once one player makes that pattern, they shout “Loteria” and win the game.

Be sure to check out our Instagram account @themotheroverload for more DIYs and stay tuned for our Cranberry Ponche Navideño recipe this week!

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